Thursday, 19 July 2012

The Vaccines-Teenage Icon

Although Teenage Icon has been leaked at festivals and gigs for a couple of months now, it was hard to have an opinion on it as every video I watched consisted of fans screaming and the muffling sound of someone’s blurry shitty camera, making it difficult to listen to. But finally I can listen to what can only be described as one of The Vaccines best songs to date, with a catchy chorus and a fast beat. Many could argue a three line chorus leaves the listeners wanting more  but it somehow works really well with Justin Long summing up the meaning of the song with the short “I’m no teenage icon/I’m no Frankie Avalon/I’m nobody’s hero” telling people that he doesn’t see himself as worthy enough to be somebody that teenagers look up to, thus creating a perfect hook. Freddie Cowan shows off a lot on this track with an adventurous approach with a brilliant guitar solo and an upbeat riff. Bassist Arni Hjorvar plays a consistent steady beat which is unfortunately overshadowed by his bandmates' perfect performances. The drum beat kept my head bobbing for the whole song thanks to drummer Pete Nicholson.  After hearing this song just three times I can easily say I'm hooked on this track and I am buzzing for this new album. Justin needs to cut that bloody hair though.
Watch the video for “The Vaccines-Teenage Icon” here:

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