Friday, 1 March 2013

Dido-No Freedom

Where has she been? One minute she was collaborating with rapper Eminem back over a decade ago; and now, she is one of the stars on the scrap heap. Although singles such as White Flag and Thank You are way in the past, she seems to continue her traditional chilled-love songs in her new single No Freedom. She sounds a little more country here than usual, but she sticks to the task in where her voice shines through beautifully. However, with no hooks or real catch to this song, I'm surprised it was released as a single as it is a pretty lethargic track - and I'm sure she has better ones than this on her upcoming album Girl Who Got Away. If she doesn't, then her album could really struggle.

Rating: 6/10

What is your favourite Dido song? Do you think she has improved in recent years compared to her earlier ones? Have your say by dropping a comment below.

Listen to "Dido-No Freedom" here

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