Sunday, 30 September 2012

Professor Green feat.Sierra Kusterbeck-Avalon

London rapper Pro Green is very hit-and-miss. He's the ultimate yo-yo artist, with a good/competent hit followed by a god awful song that not even his mother could love. His new single Avalon is actually one of his better songs, despite quite a lot of criticism of this song. Those telly watchers will have heard this song on the Relentless advert, where Pro Green's rapping is up to scratch and there's a very powerful chorus spearheaded vocally by VersaEmerge's fiery front woman, Sierra Kusterbeck. Apart from those snippets from the advert, the song doesn't really have anymore "best bits", but the best bits make this song what it is - great quality music.


Listen to "Professor Green featuring Sierra Kusterbeck-Avalon" here>

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