Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Script-Hall of Fame

Right...I'm all for artists trying something new from their old work, but The Script have changed too much from their original sound. It's hard to believe that The Script went from the work of their eponymous album - full of pop rock and twists of rapping especially in single We Cry - to what I describe as a power ballad duet with will.i.am. in the band's new single Hall of Fame. I hate to call The Script generic, but they really are nowadays. Hall of Fame is mostly played with the sound of a piano, which is a shame seeing how a band with a drummer and a guitarist almost go unnoticed. If anything, I think that the Irish boys could pull in more fans with more songs closer to the first album, but I don't see that happening in their third album which was so well thought of that they named it #3.


Listen to "The Script-Hall of Fame" here>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk48xRzuNvA

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