Sunday, 11 November 2012


If you look at music from a neutral perspective, you'll realise Caribbean R&B star Rihanna is very hit and miss. Some of her music is very catchy, then you get absolute random trash that only sells due to it's sex appeal (see S&M) or because of who is singing it. I'm afraid to say that her new song Diamonds falls into the latter category. The introduction is irritating (which unfortunately features in the chorus too) and keeps spinning around your head like a broken record. At parts, she sounds great and genuine - unlike the dance music she had been selling prior to this single - in which you have to give her credit for. It may still be a hard track to love, but it has taken huge leaps from her last album and she has gained a little sophistication back into her music.

Rating: 6/10

Do you think Diamonds is a so much better than I have said? In this the moment where Rihanna's music improves again? Express your opinion by commenting below.

Listen to "Rihanna-Diamonds" here>

Follow me on Twitter: @RealMickHouston

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