Sunday, 18 November 2012


So soul sounding trio of Stooshe aren't singing one of their own songs in their new album despite telling NME in January that they would write their own material and not let the evil labels tell them what to do. Now it is November and unfortunately they have managed to cover a song. They are covering TLC's hip-hop single Waterfalls which has a history of accused copyright from Sir Paul McCartney (who said they had taken parts of his song and dubbed it as their own). I would love to say this is as great as their beautiful single Black Heart, but it doesn't quite cut it. First, covers don't exactly show that you have creativity and secondly, their vocals aren't pushed enough to say that this song is significant. They do the standard job, but there's nothing else there.

Rating: 6/10

Do you love Stooshe's 60's sound and look? Do you prefer this version of Waterfalls? Express your opinion by commenting below.

Listen to "Stooshe-Waterfalls" here>

Follow me on Twitter:@RealMickHouston

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