Natasha Khan or as you may know her
Bat For Lashes, has had a productive year, with a new album and now has a new single
All Your Gold. The English singer-songwriter's new track has a folktronic sound to it, with tribal drums starting off the tune with a number of instruments (including bass guitar, keyboard and xylophone) all kicking in as the song progresses.Her voice is great, but to be frank her music does not thrill me in the slightest and is about as exciting as day-time TV. Sure, her music is different, but maybe it's so different that it becomes unappealing, despite the emotional and well written songs.
Best lyrics: Cos you’re a good man, ‘cos you’re a good man/I keep telling myself to just let go
Rating: 6/10
Is Bat For Lashes your kind of music? Do you not agree with me? Express your opinion by commenting below.
Follow me on Twitter: @RealMickHouston
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