Sunday, 7 October 2012

Red Hot Chili Peppers-Never Is A Long Time/Love Of Your Life

Yes, once again Red Hot Chili Peppers once again have a double whammy for us in the shape of their two new singles- Never Is A Long Time and Love Of Your Life. We'll start off with Never Is A Long Time. RHCP do what they do best, and that is funk rock. As most of their songs are about love, this one is no exception, yet Keidis doesn't sing about love the same way as The Wanted or One Direction do with lyrics like
"You are, you are the star within
The far, the far, the far away
The law that caused it all to stay"

It's above average music, that yet again exceeds expectations and the thought that RHCP are finished, when really, there music is just as good as it's always been.


Listen to "Red Hot Chili Peppers-Never Is A Long Time" here>

Now, the second track. This is called Love Of Your Life, which uses similar chords as their great song Snow. Yet another love song (surprise, surprise), with a weaker chorus than Never Is A Long Time, but is better played with crooning guitar sounds and has a cooler feel to it, being more soul than funk. However it is still one of the poorer songs that I've heard from RHCP recently due to that poor chorus, but it doesn't fall below average, showing good consistency from the Californian rock veterans.

Rating: 5/10

Listen to "Red Hot Chili Peppers-Love Of Your Life" here>

Think that RHCP are hotter than I thought? Do you think these funk rockers are past it? Express your opinion by commenting below.

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