Thursday, 25 October 2012

Maxsta-Pop Off

London grime artist and MC Maxsta is back after his single I Wanna Rock was greeted with mixed reviews, as is the new boy's new song Pop Off. It's so ridiculous and annoying that you want to hate it, but just like Sam and the Womp's single Bom Bom Bom, it is incredibly catchy. It's full of buzzing hooks and the background tune makes it easy to listen to. Lyrically, it isn't great. They aren't too exciting and they don't create any impact until the end of the chorus which is a poor move from Maxsta. But yeah, this is so annoying, yet it's awesome...

Best lyrics: 
Max, dont hate my music this ain’t a crime/
I would say im gona stop for a break but it ain’t the time

Rating: 6/10

Is Maxsta the next Wretch 32? Is he just really irritating? Express you opinion by commenting below.

Listen to "Maxsta-Pop Off" here>

Follow me on Twitter: @RealMickHouston

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